This as an app, and the channels provided are a part of our paid member services,
Thanks for joining our community, This is an ego free community of techs who are a brotherhood. We understand that we all need a little help from time to time. Our career can also be a lonely one, and we know just to be able to talk/listen to techs from all over the country can be refreshing during those long boring drives from customer to customer house. So we put together a few channels addressing various topics such as Business support, Tech support, Doc requests and more (we add channels periodically)
What is Voxer?
Voxer is a walkie talkie app that we use to help each other out with appliance repair questions in real time. This is a community of seasoned and newer techs. We use this app to support each other through pics, videos, tech sheets, service pointers etc.
How to use Voxer?
How to gain access to voxer walkie talkie app
Access your mobile device Play Store IE "I-tunes" or "Playstore" and download voxer app
Create user name
After creating a account please send a email with the user name so that we can locate you within the voxer app
Brother B will then contact you on the voxer app with further instructions
Different Voxer Channels
TMM ACADEMICS: (Main channel: here's where we hang out, shoot the breeze, rant and rave about appliance repair or pretty much any thing) it can get chatty placing notifications on vibration recommend
TMM TECH LINE: (Tech channel: heres where we "tend" to keep it straight up technical) notifications vibration or loud depending on your skill set. If your a newbie tech you should listen to EVERYTHING. You'll benefit from others situations
TMM 911 Emergency Line: (Pretty self explanatory, heres where we turn after we've exhausted all resources) This line IS NOT A CRUTCH. Notifications STRONGLY RECOMMEND TO BE KEPT LOUD. Rule of thumb practice the same amount of support you would want if you were in a emergency
TMM SEALED SYSTEM LINE (Here its all about sealed system work)
Notifications recommended set on loud
TMM BUSINESS LINE: (Here we talk business like signing up with warranty companies, Prices, everything business related) notifications your choice
(Here is were we talk ELECTRONICS and board repair bring your oscilloscope and voltmeter it all circuits here) Notifications your choice
Voxer Group Moderators
Durham appliance
Kelly Kriskelly
Chris Ainsworth
Laron Locklear
Kristen D
Brother B
House Rules
Always include model number. Written not a picture of the model tag. This is house etiquette
No shaming or making others feel uncomfortable asking questions. Ego and know it allsl is a one way trip out of here
No question is a dumb question
If you're having an extensive conversation with a member you may wanna go private after awhile so other members can revisit the days dialog without having to hear extensive chats.
Due a proper diagnosis before utilizing voxer. We don't want to become anyone's crutch
We encourage techs from all stages in their careers to ask questions; however we do expect that you do your job as a professional and do a proper diagnosis. We are here to help one another. However we don't want to create a " uh guys gotta fridge not cooling what do I do?" Culture
R-E-S-P-E-C-T ME find out what it means to me
Post the follow ups on your repairs. Others draw off your experience. So include follow ups.
Please no vending or solicitations
Emergency Line Rule
Post model number and general description
(ie; hey all I'm in a customer house working on a Kenmare washer model #.9979666h I'll post my questions on the tech line
Kenmore refrigerator not cooling, question. in Techroom)
Please carry emergency line questions to appropriate room ie
Again this done intentionally, we get it if guys put their phone on silent because certain channels can get quite chatty. It’s easy for an emergency request question to go overlooked in casual back and forth chat in the other rooms. So we encourage techs if there gonna keep one channel on normal its emergency. Let's keep the transmission on the channel sweet and simple
No political, racist, religious or any other divisive topics on here please go private if you want to argue those points
Cursing/Swearing "should" be kept to a minimum, would hate to show up to a job with my notifications unmuted and my phone bleeps out "guys this f****** last customer was a b*****" while I'm in front of a customer
You get what you put in.. don't be the person that only chimes in with help. Be there for someone else from time to time like you need help time to time
There's a few common names, if there's already a mike or joe you may have to alter it a little (mike134a or miketexas) just for identifying purposes
Voxer wrapup
Voxer is a wonderful destination from destination from texts from all walks of life tov life who want to become the best at their craft. This is a brotherhood we help each other out we offer advice we do everything and love. But if you don't participate don't expect voxer to solve all your problems. Help us help you and we promise to do the same.
love peace and harmony